Macarthur Child and Family


11th of June, 2024 ✔
Face to Face Meeting
1:30am - 3:00pm
(@ HK Daley, Campbelltown)

13th of August, 2024
Hybrid Meeting
1:30am - 3:00pm

8th of October, 2024
Hybrid Meeting
1:30am - 3:00pm

10th of December, 2024
Hybrid Meeting
1:30am - 3:00pm


Dates marked with a ✔ are confirmed.
Dates marked with a ✗ have been cancelled.
Dates marked with a ⧖ are pending, TBA or Postponed.

Resources for this Meeting:


This interagency aims to improve outcomes for families and children aged 0 – 8 years in the Campbelltown, Camden, Wollondilly and Wingecarribee LGAs area


The Purpose of this network is:

  • Promoting goals of Child and Family Services utilising the framework of Families NSW as a guide.

  • Co-ordinating services to families and children to reduce duplication and address identified need

  • Encouraging community involvement and participation.

  • Identifying local needs, issues and planning appropriate responses.

  • Sharing information amongst services – working together to support each other and promoting good practice.

  • Promote information about services that reaches the right target groups.

  • Providing advocacy and representation to decision-makers to influence planning and resource allocation.

  • Encourage diverse (CALD, special needs, ATSI) groups to be included in planning, resource allocation and development.


This network is for any worker working with or wanting to connect to child and family services

Other meeting information: