Macarthur Interagency
12th of September, 2024 ✔
Face to Face Meeting
9:30am - 11:30am
12th of November, 2024 ⧖
Face to Face Meeting
9:30am - 11:30am
Dates marked with a ✔ are confirmed.
Dates marked with a ✗ have been cancelled.
Dates marked with a ⧖ are pending, TBA or Postponed.
Resources for this Meeting:
Welcome to the Macarthur Interagency event. Join us for a morning of networking, collaboration, and learning with services in the community. We will cover a broad range of community issues that can impact a diverse range of services, rather than be focused on one sector of service delivery. This Interagency provides a great opportunity to connect with others in the Macarthur region. Share your experiences, gain insights, and build relationships that can benefit you and your support of the community. Don't miss out on this chance to be a part of the Macarthur Interagency event.
The aim of Macarthur Interagency is to provide a forum for a broader range of services to connect and participate in networking and collaboration. The Macarthur Interagency meeting will help you develop broader connections and opportunities for collaboration with agency and organisation staff whom you normally don’t meet .
Over time we can focus on opportunities for joint projects,and learning opportunities through initiatives such as Communities of Interest. We will cover a broad range of issues that can impact a diverse range of services, rather than be focused on one sector of service delivery.
This interagency is for all community service providers in Macarthur. Not for Profit, government and For-Profit agency staff are all welcome. Your agency may not be based in Macarthur though may deliver services in the region, so this is also relevant to you.
Other meeting information:
Some weeks prior to each forthcoming meeting emails are sent out through the Macarthur Interagency mailing list and then posted on Eventbrite. Please notify us of your interest in attending these meetings by registering through Eventbrite to help manage venue and catering details.