South Western Sydney Leadership Network
20th of February, 2025 ✔
Online Meeting
9:30am - 11:15am
15th of May, 2025
Hybrid Meeting
9:30am - 11:15am
Dates marked with a ✔ are confirmed.
Dates marked with a ✗ have been cancelled.
Dates marked with a ⧖ are pending, TBA or Postponed.
Resources for this Meeting:
The community services industry is constantly experiencing significant change and reform. At these times of uncertainty, senior decision-makers across the community sector must collaborate to influence this change.
Sector Connect has facilitated a bi-monthly Managers Network since 2005 in Macarthur and Wingecarribee region, but this structure in the current climate cannot adequately enable strategic action to occur. Therefore during 2016, the Managers Network changed to a bi-monthly Leadership Network extending to the South Western Health District to align with funding body districts, with breakout working party groups as required. The aim is to more effectively work with senior managers across the region to effect change. Key stakeholders from local, federal and state Government departments and NSW peak organisations also participate.
The Purpose of this network is:
Professional development
To develop skills and engage in collaboration and regional planning
To engage in a coordinated approach to regional information exchange, policy, program and service delivery issues affecting the region
To improve and sustain the community services industry across the South Western Sydney region
To engage services in funding reforms, new trends, development and innovation within the sector
To support the community services industry to improve outcomes for residents of South Western Sydney
To facilitate partnerships
This purpose will be achieved by:
Holding standalone bimonthly meetings focused on particular topics
Workshops, forums, guest speakers and other professional development opportunities
Needs assessments, consultations and key discussions on regional issues to inform planning and advocacy
Involvement in campaigns, resource development and forums as identified by the network
Participation is open to workers from across the South Western Sydney Region who have managerial or strategic responsibilities in their workplace. Senior managers may also delegate a member of their management team to attend.
Other meeting information:
Sector Connect is funded under Targeted Early Intervention by the Department of Communities and Justice to convene this network as a vehicle to encourage collaboration, networking, provide information and knowledge, and facilitate cross-sector partnerships.